What should I do with it?

In my job in grocery they dont have cents for a change. Im a cashier Whenever a customer pays the item for example they purchased 53.60 and their money is 100 pesos we dont have cents coins available so I just control if the change has more than 60 cents I will round off the number for example the change is 101.62 i will give 102 change to customer if its his change is less than 60 i won't give her the cents change for example 101.60 or 101.50 I will only give 101 to him. I shouldn't be short in money like I should have 20 pesos for total of all cents collected when they collect the money at the end of the day for all purchases in grocery in my cashier bank. I shouldn't have more than 30 pesos because i will get charged for it either because the employer thinks Im stealing for them and when Im short it will be charge to me as well my question is what should I do with that? How can I avoid being short or excess in coins in collected cents when they dont have cents coins for a change for exact change? Its just me who control
What should I do with it?
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