Am I experiencing workplace bullying or am I going mad?


I have been working at a job for four months and I’ve had to go off work sick for stress anxiety and depression due to how my manager is treating me and the toxic culture and insidious behaviour from some of my work colleagues which has left me questioning myself and my intelligence

I am very well qualified and have a Masters degree. I have two degrees and a music degree and it’s not difficult for me to find employment. Since I joined this new job, I have experienced certain bullying behaviours from colleagues which has isolated me and has got me questioning myself and my sanity.

My manager told me at my three month meeting that I was underperforming and threatened to dismiss me at month six if I didn’t step up my performance. So I reached out for support with my learning disability to help me pass probation. Since then my manager has been passive aggressive and made out that she hates me. She told me I shouldn’t have reached out for support and what I did was wrong. When I go into the office she ignores me all day so I’m left feeling something is wrong. In all our manager meetings, she picks apart all my work and criticises everything I do. I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t. Nothing I do is good enough

Another work colleague who is responsible for delegating me work I think she is setting me up to fail. She hands over impossible tasks to me which I haven’t been trained on and expects me to complete them whilst overloading me with work. Then when I reach out for support with the task, she ignores my messages and says she’s busy, and never has time to help me, so I end up getting in trouble with my manager.

Another work colleague absolutely LOVES fault finding all my work, nitpicking it all apart and telling me on a daily basis what I’ve done is wrong, down to tiny spelling errors. She tells me that she looks at my schedule and always sends me messages asking what sort of work I’m doing.

Am I being bullied?

Am I experiencing workplace bullying or am I going mad?
2 Opinion