What StarTrek is to me?


In today’s world hatred is rampant and it is plaguing the world. Women are murdered for their beliefs, mass shootings are happening in our backyards, and leaders that once encouraged us to better ourselves and prove our worth are now degrading, persecuting and segregating us. In light of the questions I have been reading between fellow GAGers especially about on going crimes on human beings everywhere. It is time for the people to stand up against such hatred and do whats right to stand up for all people of the earth.

In light of one gifted young woman, and my little sister in great writing @SpiderManFan2002 I feel I might need to enlighten her and help her get her nerd in Star Trek, lol This is the reason why I am a fan of Star Trek. I take this to my heart seriously and I am not alone. There are fans who are out there right now working to change the world for the better and hope to one day unite the planet into a unified world of many different cultures and beliefs.

Capt. James T. Kirk
Capt. James T. Kirk

James T. Kirk - They used to say that if man were meant to fly he would have wings. But he did fly. He discovered he had to. I don't believe we can stop. In fact through all of our existence the frightened and the faint hearted have been warning not to push any further, not to learn anymore, not to hope, grow and not to exceed themselves. I don't believe we can stop. I don't believe were meant to.

Capt. Jean Luc Picard
Capt. Jean Luc Picard

Jean Luc Picard - What a piece of work is man? How noble in reason? How infinite in faculty, in form, in moving? How express and admirable in action?How like an angel in apprehension? How like a god? I see us one day in becoming that.

Capt. Benjamin Sisko
Capt. Benjamin Sisko

Benjamin Sisko - It is the unknown that defines our existence. We are constantly searching. Not just for answers to our questions but for new questions. We are explorers. We explore our lives day by day. And we explore the galaxy trying to expand the boundaries of our knowledge. Not to conquer with weapons or with ideas but to coexist and to learn.

Capt. Kathryn Janeway
Capt. Kathryn Janeway

Kathryn Janeway - In a part of space where there are few rules. It's more important than ever that we hold fast to our own. We have to have something stable to rely on, and we do. The principles and ideals of the federation. As far as I am concerned those are the best allies we could have.

Capt. Jonathan Archer
Capt. Jonathan Archer

Jonathan Archer - We are going to stumble, make mistakes. I am sure more than a few before we find our footing. But we are going to learn from those mistakes. That’s what being human is all about.

Captain Michael Burnham
Captain Michael Burnham

Michael Burnham - The only way to defeat fear is to tell it no. We will not take shortcuts to the path of righteousness. We will continue exploring, discovering new worlds; new civilizations. That is the United Federation of Planets.

So In light of all that is evil, we should never give up hope. We should stand up together and not fight against each other. Let the truth be known and let our humanity shine out to the cosmos.

I also want to express my appreciation to my little sister @SpiderManFan2002 and say that yes I like Spiderman and I love how you can find all of those pictures for your MyTakes.

My favorite hero is Superman.😎😁

Superman Vs Spiderman
Superman Vs Spiderman
What StarTrek is to me?
12 Opinion