Would you endure a gruesome death in exchange for living in the world of your dreams?


Here's the basic idea: You have the opportunity to live in the fictional world of your choosing, and you can decide who you are in that world. You can choose to insert yourself with whatever powers or advantages you want, or you could take the place of someone else in that world and live there for the rest of your life. You can give yourself powers, give yourself social status, you can have already-made friendships and relationships with whoever you like and live out that life exactly however you'd want to live it.

Here's the catch - You have to die in order to get there, but it's not as simple as the isekai-style "get hit with a truck and it's lights out." You have no control over the method of your death and it is a brutal experience. If you're hit by a truck, you feel every tire as it crushes your body under the weight of the car. Or you're eaten by a bear, or you're tossed off of a cliff and hit every rock on that sheer wall all the way down. It's not pretty, and you will remember the pain of it when you arrive in your new world, but you will not have any injuries.

Do you think that's worth the opportunity to live in the world of your choice as whoever you want to be?

Sidenote - if you choose to live in a fictional universe, what universe would it be and who would you be in it?

Would you endure a gruesome death in exchange for living in the world of your dreams?
8 Opinion