Have you ever played a long game twice, and liked it for different reasons?

So I'm playing Last Story on the Wii right now and last time I played and finished it was in 2012 - still have the saves. So I was 15 and I never really noticed just how political this game is, and how the answer to the question can seem both right and wrong. Which is basically life, the answer is right and wrong in pretty much every political discussion.

But I've only recently got into politics and never even noticed that the last time I played - admittedly I still laughed at the same explicit jokes within the game, it was part of the reason I wanted to play it again lol but it's interesting what a second play does.
Have you ever played a long game twice, and liked it for different reasons?
Have you ever played a long game twice, and liked it for different reasons?
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Have you ever played a long game twice, and liked it for different reasons?
9 Opinion