Are you a dreamer?


In Dave Chappelle's new special, he mentions that sometimes he is the dreamer and sometimes he realizes he is living in someone else's dream. The most powerful dreamer at any given time wins the moment.

He goes into funny stories of when other people have been more powerful dreamers than him at times in his life. little Nas X is the most powerful dreamer he's met, and I can totally see that. He talks about Jim Carrey's method acting as well. Everyone around him had to adjust to the dream he was channeling.

Some people are living the dreamy lives they dreamed for themselves. They influence and change reality just by focusing on their dreams hard enough. They may have more wild and powerful dreams or milder ones.

Do you agree with Chappelle? Are you a dreamer? What is your dream? Has life around you changed to fit it?

I'm a dreamer, but not a powerful one. My dreams are too mild. Easy life, good family, adding beauty and happiness to the world, helping others, and a lot of money to use for a charity one day. Life has definitely shifted around me to fit my dreams.

Start watching at 5:35 or 5 minutes 35 seconds in. Watch all the way to the end.

Are you a dreamer?
Yes, I'm a powerful dreamer that changes life around me in a big way
Yes, I'm a mild dreamer but I do notice things shifting around me
No, I know dreamers but I am not one
No, I am not a dreamer and do not know any
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Are you a dreamer?
6 Opinion