Which of these JENNIFER celebrities is MOST ATTRACTIVE?

Which of these JENNIFER celebrities is MOST ATTRACTIVE?

Vote below for the Jennifer that you think is most attractive.

Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Connelly
Jennifer Garner
Jennifer Hudson
Jennifer Lawrence
Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
2 mo
Interesting results...
Though Connelly and Aniston are in a virtual tie overall (after 50-some votes), Girls and Guys have some definite differences:

Girls prefer (in order): Aniston, Lawrence, (Hudson, Love Hewitt), (Connelly, Garner)
Guys prefer (in order): Connelly, Love Hewitt, Lawrence, Garner, Aniston, Hudson
2 mo
After 80-some votes, Jennifer Connelly is the overall winner, but not by a lot, and there is still a notable difference, between girls and guys:

Girls prefer (in order): Aniston, Lawrence, (Connelly, Lopez), (Hudson, Love Hewitt), Garner
Guys prefer (in order): Connelly, Lawrence, Lopez, Love Hewitt, Garner, Aniston, Hudson
Which of these JENNIFER celebrities is MOST ATTRACTIVE?
27 Opinion