If my kids came out to me as homosexual or trans, here's how I'll act

Personally, I don't see why parents say, "If my kid is gay/a lesbian/transsexual/transgender, I'll disown them/throw them out/send them to church/put them in therapy (get it?)" That, to me, is a clear sign that you've failed terribly at parenting. Not at "letting" your kid "suddenly become" gay or whatever. But hurting them that much because you see it as weird or wrong or whatever else. That is when you've failed. So if any of my kids come out to me, this is simply a little thing on how I'll react and why I think parents, or those who plan to have kids, should as as well.

"Dad, I'm gay/lesbian/bi"

If my kids came out to me as homosexual or trans, here's how I'll act

What is deemed a "parents worse fear", I'd be a bit glad to hear, especially if he/she is young. Good. No young pregnancies.

Now if I have a son who is more the feminine type, probably girly like the dresses and heels and whatnot, he is NOT allowed to wear any of that shit until his mother has gotten to him. Especially if he has my taste in clothes. If he has my taste in clothing, I refuse in any way to let him walk out of my home without his mom instructing him on good clothing and what looks good with what. I have standards in my home, he isn't allowed to walk out looking like a who done it and why case. He wants to wear makeup? Haha, no. Until he's 16, no makeup either. Same applies with clothing, mom gets to him first and instructs him. Gonna have his dress and makeup on fleek. Nothing provactive though. I dare his little ass to try walking past me looking like a world-class thot.

If I have a masculine daughter, the type who is like I was at 17, you're butch lesbian types, oh good I can take HER clothes shopping. If she has my taste in clothing, even better! I can dress a guy up nice, not a girl though. Get her a nice suit or what have her. Same as son, nothing provactive or showy. If she's a straight up butch, really masculine like I was, boxers and boyish, I dare her to try me and sag. I will find the most girly thing I can and surprise her with it at school. Embarass the hell out her into not sagging again. Sorry sweetheart, I warned you.

Eitherway, I'd teach them how to respect themselves and others. I don't care which gender you go for, I'm not gonna stand to see my daughter or son being treated like trash. Hopefully my parenting stays with them and I don't get to that point.

And if they're bi? Well, whatever. Same applies haha. Just, you know, don't make me an expecting grandpa while you still in school. Then, we'll have some serious issues.

"Dad, I think I'm trans"

If my kids came out to me as homosexual or trans, here's how I'll act

This one I'll have to play carefully. As a transsexual myself, I know what might come to my child. Hopefully, I am in an area where its really accepting. I hope to move to an accepting, more open, and diverse but doubt it, area where I can raise a few kids who will hopefully grow to be well-rounded adults. But they eventually go to school and meet people, which is where environment plays its part.

So why bring that up? Because if my kids lives anywhere like where I live now, we're gonna meet hell head on. They'll be discriminated against, bullied, hurt, probably beat. This is why I plan to move somewhere much more accepting. So they'll be safer.

If they are trans, however, okay what? Transsexual or transgender? If its transgender, then we'll find out how to fit their wants the best. If it's transsexual, we'll get him or her into therapy, quick. Not conversion, hell no that shits not real. I mean therapy to see if you really want this, have to by law which is stupid. Then, at 18 when he or she can legally take hormones, I'll see what I can do. This is a big decision, you can't de-transition. We'll talk it out and help to the best we can and take it from there.

In the meantime, I'll get in touch with the school. See how we can accomodate the kid. I know all too well how it feels going into the bathroom and just sitting there wishing you can just go in the one that matches your gender identity. I know it might be awkward as hell going into the locker room that doesn't fit either. I'll see what we can do and hopefully find a way.

So why act this way? Simply put, I was the kid with the family who wasn't too happy to find out little favorite cousin Tish Tish was a lesbian and we really mad to find out she feels she's a he and he's calling himself Chris. They were pissed, let me tell you. And that, well, hurt more than it helped. They said people will make fun of me, hurt me, they'll not talk to me if I don't stop, who do I think I am, am I looking for attention, and so on and so on. It hurt me. Made me wonder if lifes worth living, I can't help who I am. Made me sad, hated to see them. So I stopped seeing them, talking to them, calling, leaving my room, staying at home. I was depressed. Everything they said about me did way more harm than good. It did NOTHING good, just hurt me more and more. I was depressed and suicidal for a while.

After a few months of it, I began to forcibly climb back up. It was like climbing on a slippery sharp steep rocky wall with no nails, no grip, and it hurts. I fell back a few times, hands and body bleeding and cut, I was hurt. It hurt. But the closer I got to the top, the better I got. I'm not there yet. I'm at a resting point, healing an resting my body for the tougher part of the journey, but I'm almost there. The rocks aren't ass sharp and the wall less steep. But it's a tough wall nonetheless.

Now I don't want any of my kids to have to climb up that wall as well. More like a hard endurance hike. It's not gonna be easy, but I'll help get them through it. I'd rather have a happy gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, transgender, transsexual, whateversexual child than a depressed and miserable child or, worse, no child at all. I can't obviously protect them from everything, but it's worth a shot.

Now I know, I'm 18. I have no kids. I might change, and I pray I don't. I remember all too well the pain of being tossed aside like I was nothing due to something I couldn't control. I don't ever want my kids to face that pain. So whenever I do have kids, cause I want kids, I don't ever want them to feel that way and hope they don't. I hope they know they can come to their dad and literally tell me everything. Tell me they killed a person.... Well I heard jail will help you build character.

But in all seriousness, I really will not see my child differently if they came out. It'll be hard, like shit I saw my son as a son for years and now I'm seeing you as a daughter? Hopefully they have my passive temper with pronoun slips, but I'll try. Better that way.

So yeah, that's my bit on this. Hopefully y'all like it.

But for real though, I hope I marry a woman who thinks like me, with parenting, and has a better temper. Lord knows we're both fucked if the kids come out like me...

If my kids came out to me as homosexual or trans, here's how I'll act
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