Valentine's Day - "Dating" Your Kids

Valentine's Day -
Before someone calls Child Protective Services, let me explain. About a year ago I started thinking about all the things I'd like to do with a date - go to the art museum, a concert, see a new movie that just came out, try a new restaurant, go kayaking, see a play at the local theatre, etc. It dawned on me that my son was old enough to do all of those things. By restricting my idea of "adult fun" to exclude him, I was limiting our relationship.

So I started doing some of those "date" ideas with him. Age appropriately, of course. He hated kayaking and liked the concert. For Valentine's Day the Ringling Bros. Circus was in town. I splurged on last minute tickets and drove downtown to the arena. He LOVED it. He was fascinated by every act. Then we went out to dinner and really talked. It was the best Valentine's Day ever!

If you don't have kids, what about a neice or nephew, or a friend you keep promising to get together with but never do? What about your Mom or Dad or sibling? Is there someone you can invite to an activity you'd otherwise pass up because it's not a "date?"

Valentine's Day - "Dating" Your Kids
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