How to Get Rid of Emotional Vampires, Once and For All


Emotional Vampires & Energy Vampires

The term "Emotional vampires" or "Energy vampires" has become a term used to describe certain people who are doing exactly what the name implies - they suck the energy and emotions of other people. Whether they do it intentionally or unintentionally, "Emotional Vampires" in your life can make you exhausted, tired, fed-up or depressed. Basically, Emotional Vampires are people who tend to drain the emotional energy out of every person they come in contact with, it doesn't matter when and where (workplace, friendship circle, family etc).

How to Get Rid of Emotional Vampires, Once and For All

Are you a victim of an emotional vampire?

You are not sure whether you have become the prey of "Emotional Vampires"? See the following list, maybe you are experiencing some of the symptoms that often indicate their presence.

Emotional vampires leave you with the feeling of:

1. Exhaustion
2. Saturation
3. Negativity
4. Anger
5. Emptiness
6. Dismay
7. Misery

If you frequently experience such emotions after spending time with a certain person, then you're dealing with an Energy/Emotional Vampire - and he/she can have a profound effect on your own happiness.

Can you identify the "Vampires" in your life?

Here are some of the main types of Emotional Vampires:

A) The "Victim" Vampire

Probably the most recognizable species of all kinds of "Emotional/Energy Vampires".

"Victim" Vampire usually spends a lot of time complaining about the bad cards their life has dealt them - even if it's not actually the case.

They usually require a lot of your time and attention and use you as a garbage dump for the disposal of their problems.

How to cope with such a Vampire:

Although you want to be compassionate and want to support your friend or family member, listening permanent negativity will not bring anything good.

The best thing you can do - Try to limit your interaction with them, redirect the conversation or when everything else fails - just go away.

How to Get Rid of Emotional Vampires, Once and For All

B) The "Critic" Vampire

"Vampire - Critic" is a type of person who will criticize you, your choices and the choices of other people around you - usually to boost their ego.

These vampires can inspire feelings of insecurity and guilt over your choices and therefore should not have a place in your life.

How to cope with such a Vampire:

Whatever your "Critic" Vampire said to you - Just use the simple technique called "Went in one ear and out the other". Remind yourself that these individuals only suffer from extreme insecurity and the problem can be solved by making the attempt to drag other people on their level.

Do not join them! Discard what they say with a positive response, and then leave them to bother with it.

How to Get Rid of Emotional Vampires, Once and For All

C) The "Controlling" Vampire

This type of Emotional Vampires will impose themselves as if they know what's best for all, and will not be afraid to express their opinions about everything (whether you like it or not).

How to cope with such a Vampire:

Do not feel the need to have to accept their point of view or instructions; politely say what you want to do, and stick with your opinion.

The problem with "Controlling" Vampire is that people too often accept their instructions for the "peace in the house" and a "simpler life". This only exacerbates their need to keep the control of everything and of everyone around you.

How to Get Rid of Emotional Vampires, Once and For All

D) The "Mutable" Vampire

They could be compared to "Jekyll and Hyde", because with them - You never know where you stand, they are completely inconsistent.

One day he/she wants to be best friends with you, and the next day, they will be cold, pouring you a sense of worry and uncertainty in their presence.

How to cope with such a Vampire:

For this type of vampire, the simplest solution is to eliminate them from your life, once and for all.

However, if you need to stay in touch with them (if it's a family member), then it is important to set boundaries, to avoid being present when they play their "cold" role. If they are easily pissed off, try to avoid discussions or clashes with them.

How to Get Rid of Emotional Vampires, Once and For All

E) The "Charming" Vampire

This type of Emotional Vampires (at first glance) seem to be very charming; they will usually invite you to hang out, but they are constantly seeking attention, and craving for admiration.

However, when they feel that they have achieved a certain social status, they may become harsh, and take it out on those closest person.

How to cope with such a Vampire:

Feel free to enjoy the charming side of that vampire, but try to remain realistic and remember that it can't last long.

When pulled out his claws, make sure you realize that you don't have the time or patience for the other side of their personality.

How to Get Rid of Emotional Vampires, Once and For All


Unfortunately, there are no wooden stakes made of hawthorn that you can use to completely get rid of "Emotional Vampires" in your life. Some people often have negative tendencies, and are not willing to change, they seem to be enjoying their misery.

Therefore, the only realistic way to fight-off these individuals is - avoid them completely.

Sometimes it may not be possible if certain vampires appear in the form of family members or co-workers. However, you can try to reduce all interactions with these people to an absolute minimum.

When they try to tell you all about their horrible day, change the subject, or simply stop asking them what was their day like. This doesn't mean you don't need to be sympathetic, friendly or supportive, it's always good to listen to a friend or family member.

Moreover, it is wrong to turn our backs on someone when they need us the most. However, such people are probably not "Emotional Vampires' - they are just having a bad day. Anyway, the real problem are individuals who claim to have a "bad day" - every day.

Well, consider the good people who are currently in your life, there is a difference between those who bring love, joy and positivity in your life - and those who have nothing to offer except the negative vibrations.

How to Get Rid of Emotional Vampires, Once and For All
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