When Is It Time to End Friendship With Your Best Friend?


Best friends. They're always there for us and are a shoulder to cry on. We like to think that we will never have to end friendship with them. Unfortunatly, that's not the case. You may think, why on earth would I need to end a friendship with my best friend? I'm sure all of us no matter what, will have to do this one day. If you don't, you are very lucky.

How do they make you feel?

I know this might be obvious. Do they drain the energy out of you or make you feel like a negative person? Do you feel awful or end up feeling awful when you're with them?

Are they there for you?

Are they a shoulder to cry on? Or do they only speak about their own problems and don't listen to yours?

Do they crave all the spotlight?

Maybe it's when your in a group setting, they crave the spotlight and cut you off when you try to talk? When the guy/girl you like talks to you, do they start talking to them and don't involve you in conversation?

Do they cause conflict all the time?

Is it about something little and blame everything on you, even when it's not your fault and can't be changed? A friend and BFF won't cause conflict and try to resolve it when one does start.

Does it feel like they compete you on everything?

Maybe you got a new job, they say they got promoted. You get good test results. They say they got better.

When Is It Time to End Friendship With Your Best Friend?

I hope this helps everyone out there.

When Is It Time to End Friendship With Your Best Friend?
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