6 Reasons Why You Attract Toxic People


Hi guys and girls!!!! This is my first myTake!!! 🥳🎊🎉

I was inspired to do a myTake on this topic after receiving so much feedback on toxic people, interacting with toxic people and answering questions from people who are not quite sure why "this keeps happening to me" (victims). I have put together some reasons to be aware and conscious of. Take a look🤓🧐

Reason Number 1. You are a great listener!!!!!

Bleeding Love
Bleeding Love

Being a good listener is one of the most valuable communication skills to possess. To be able to actively listen and respond appropriately is not an easy thing to do. So what could be wrong with being a good listener? A good listener is the easiest target. Once someone sucks you into their problems you seem to get stuck in that mess with them. Have you noticed that you never speak or really express yourself because you can't get a word in? You won't be able to because you are a good listener. That's your role now, which means that maybe no one really asks about your problems or how you are feeling. If any of these scenarios/examples caused an epiphany of sorts, then this amazing listener is you. But don't fret, there are ways to set boundaries and I will cover that in a different post. Phew!!!!! So excited for reason number two 😇 👏🙌

Reason Number 2. You Love Everything ❤️


Yes I said it. You are in love with life, you love people, you love animals, you love nature, You.Love.It.All. Toxic people are broken or in the middle of being repaired. The worst thing a toxic person wants to see is joy. Hence, the saying "misery loves company". No love allowed here😣😢 Their job is to make sure you are no happier than they are. It is a very sad truth. Toxic people need love the most and they don't get it because they hurt people in the pursuit. Not saying this is always done purposely but it happens. Do not think that your big heart is a problem because it is not. You will have to place boundaries on what type of love and interactions you will allow. And consistently enforce them. So continue to spread love and joy. Just don't put yourself in a position where a thief can come steal it from you.

Reason Number 3. You are open, honest, and unapologetically you.

Unapologetically your authentic self
Unapologetically your authentic self

You wear your soul on your sleeve. You are an open book and very easy to read sometimes. Toxic people will see these qualities and think of all the ways they can use that against you.( If you have an example feel free to share your story.) For instance, have you ever told someone something private just for it to be thrown in your face in an argument or disagreement? If this has happened or something similar then I am here to say you are not flawed. These qualities are highly coveted and you should work overtime to appreciate and be grateful for them. You will need to set boundaries for the amount of information you are willing to share with any given person to protect yourself from toxic people.

Reason Number 4. You are extremely generous.

Here just take it
Here just take it

You are the type of person to put your neck on the line to help someone succeed. You have put yourself in financially challenging spots trying to help someone who won't even help themselves. You have had to make sacrifices to ensure their well being. Basically you're AWESOME!!!!!! Everyone can depend on you to stop what you are doing to cater to their needs. Toxic people will treat you like a bottomless ATM if you let them. They will suck all your generosity out to the point where you question whether generosity is actually a good trait. Well, don't question it. It's a beautiful trait and very selfless.

Reason Number 5. You have goals and aspirations.

Killing it
Killing it

You have been setting goals and crushing them. You just got that promotion and you are now supervisor status and the money will keep you financially sound. You finally finished your degree after four years. You may have even gotten a new car and a new home. You did the work and you deserve the recognition. A toxic person thinks the exact opposite. They lack the drive, motivation, and commitment to have what you have. So they will try to bring you down to their levels so they don't have to feel inadequate. Or worse they will use your hard work to boost themselves up the social ladder. Also known as an opportunist and they will sabotage everything you worked for if given the opportunity to do so. You will need to sometimes keep your ambitions and aspirations to yourself and succeed in silence.

Reason number 6. You're admirable and a role model.

You can do it all
You can do it all

You are what people look up to. Some will become infatuated or even obsessed. Do people copy your every move? Do they take your thoughts and opinions to make them their own? Are they constantly checking up on you to see exactly what your doing? Then before you know it you have a twin you didn't know you had. "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." Now even though this can be true, there will always be limits.

Your deserve a break to laugh it off
Your deserve a break to laugh it off

This was a short but sweet list and I hope it was helpful. I will be doing more follow up Takes for family and friends to hopefully help everyone to understand each other and themselves better. Remember to spread love not hate. Thanks for taking the time to read and leave feedback. Have a wonderful COLORFUL day 💜💚💛🧡❤️💙

6 Reasons Why You Attract Toxic People
50 Opinion