What does it mean when someone sees your messages, doesn't block or unfriend you, but doesn't answer them either?

is the person testing me?
mad? annoyed?
i would like to think that, since we've not talked for a long time, he would just unfriend or block me if i was annoying
wouldn't anyone?
he isn't trying to hide the fact that he is seeing my messages and not answering them at all, so the 'afraid of being rude' by blocking or unfriending rule is out the window. he already is being rude, and he doesn't care about it.
we have no contact whatsoever on any place ~the last one was almost 2 weeks ago~
that (blocking, unfriending) still, doesn't happen and the person keeps posting ~kinda~ suicidal ~kinda~ jokes things on his profile, and i'm worried why is it so hard for him to just answer (i recently asked if he is fine or those are purely jokes. no answer, but he saw it)...
status: half tired, half insane
What does it mean when someone sees your messages, doesn't block or unfriend you, but doesn't answer them either?
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