Isn't it idiotic being too kind to those that never helped you in anything?

I find my mother doing that sometimes. If someone never helped me out, I will not go beyond a cordial treatment. They don't deserve any gift, nor trips, nor any extra work.

My mother is accepting a trip with her SIL (sister-in-law). She destroyed my father's future (my future too) and because of this, we're stuck forever in a position where we don't want to be at. She did that to her own brother, her own flesh and blood. I'm all forgiving but that doesn't mean forgetting and go out of your way to giving them royal treatment if they did nothing for you when you were at your lowest and struggling.
+1 y
Then people like them ask for favors. They expect us to do them favors but if we need a favor, they are suddenly busy and unavailable.
Isn't it idiotic being too kind to those that never helped you in anything?
5 Opinion