Are you surprise a tough man reached his breaking point?

There used to be a couple that lived close to my area. A couple's only child (their 20 year-old son) died in a car accident. Well a drunk driver pushed his car into a ditch.

The parents were opposites. While the mother was the most affectionate and expressive parent, the father was strict disciplinarian and less expressive. They love their son but showed it differently. He was a tough, drill sergeant. Nothing would break that man.

Twist ending:
Only a week after their son's death, one of his parents pulls the trigger, commits suicide. Shockingly it wasn't the mother but the father. That's the one thing he couldn't handle nor recover from. To him, there was no purpose in living anymore. He wanted nothing anymore.

Is this a surprise twist to you? That the most expressive and emotional parent continues living and the tough one broke down and collapsed?
Yes, that was shocking twist
No, it happens a lot (not surprised)
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Are you surprise a tough man reached his breaking point?
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