Why do parents get upset when you want to move out and venture?


I am in a situation where I am not very happy with my living conditions with my mother and step father. They are good people but because I have children, they feel I should just stay home all the time. Take into consideration it is very rare I go out which is maybe once every 2 months. I feel I cannot stay home so much because it will put me in a a stressful situation. And my idea of going out is not hanging out with my parents but people around my age.

I also just got done with school obtaining my bachelors degree but because I don't have an outside job. I just graduated in May and I do sell clothes from home as a form of income plus other things. It does take some time so I wish they had patience with it.

My third issue is that when it does come to finances, my parents will try to give me things but if we don't agree on something it gets brought up in the conversation not pertaining to what we actually disagree about. It seems at times just speaking out of emotion but makes me feel like a burden. The bad part is that they offer and I don't really ask but throw it in my face later.

So with this conclusion I would like to go live with my grandmother for a few months and they help me make a timeline plan to help me get on my feet. My biological dad is helping me to look for jobs and even though we may have had our differences in the past due to him and my mom not getting along, I am happy that he is trying to step up a father figure. Sometimes it is better late than never and my grandmother on my dad's side was always a sweet woman. My only worry is that if I tell my parents my full plan on wanting to move with my kids they will get upset and do rash things because of my decision. My stuff is still in the house and I don't want them to change the locks as i try to get stuff out or cut off my phone line. I do plan to get my own plan done this week. It is small steps and I do hope later in the future they can understand why I made the decision I did.

Why do parents get upset when you want to move out and venture?
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