How recognisable is your local accent?

So I moved about 2 and a half hours away from my home city and virtually everyone knew where I was from. I remember there was this protest thing and I walked up to the police officer and I said so what's going on here then and in those six words he correctly said what city I was from. In the job I'm in now I answer phone calls and so many people have asked do you live in X by any chance and they've always got it right.

It's funny only one person has ever got it wrong, it was this guy who was flirting with me and asked if I was from cockney, it was actually quite funny. I then told my friends what he said and they were either speechless or laughing their asses off.

So do you get recognised a lot?
People always get it right
Most of the time people get it right
Meh it's in the middle
Occasionally people get it right
People never get it right
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How recognisable is your local accent?
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