How do you feel about blocking people on Social Media?

For me, my life is pretty private on social media. I don’t like certain people looking at my post or try to get a view on what’s going on in my life. Especially the people that you don’t have in your life anymore. Like people that did you wrong or people who have negative energy you don’t need. I chose to block people like that. But some people think if you block someone then that person still bothers you. But I see it as a privilege, to be apart of my life. Honestly I’m not upset if things ended with any of my friendships or relationships. Because sometimes certain people aren’t meant to be in your life forever. Sometimes people grow apart. But I had people who still had me on social media watching even though things ended between us. I also had that person’s friends or family try to add me on social media (most likely to see the things I post). So that’s another reason I block certain people. But I’m just curious of everyone else’s view on it 🙂
How do you feel about blocking people on Social Media?
2 Opinion