How good would you say my English is?


I was born in Turkey and I still currently live in Turkey also Turkish is my first language. I have never went on holiday or lived in an English speaking country before like the USA, Australia, Canada or England but I learnt the English language at school and also by listening to songs in English. I am currently single but there is this guy I secretly have a crush on and I really wish he asked me out already

I have been through some tough and sad events in my life and my life hasn’t been perfect but it has definitely been a lot better compared to many other people around the world. I was born without any birth defects, without any diseases and I was born with all my limbs. I was also born into a wealthy family. My parents are business owners.

As a person I would describe myself as sympathetic and caring. I care for the feelings of people who care about my feelings and I treated people who treat me well the same way in return.

I have been using KizlarSoruyor for over a year but have been using Girlsaskguys for less than a year.

How good would you say my English is?
4 Opinion