Girls, is it okay to expect/set a foot massage from your Son as a regular chore?

Although we would never have kids ourselves, this is something me and my girlfriends have talked about if we ever did have a son or daughter. Do you think this is okay to set as a chore?

Not me, this is someone random I follow on IG who records her son rubbing her feet
Not me, this is someone random I follow on IG who records her son rubbing her feet
A foot massage is okay on a weekly basis
A foot massage is okay on a daily basis if you worked that day
A foot massage is okay on a daily basis
A foot massage is okay, just infrequently/not a regular expectation
A foot massage is never okay here.
Other/I don't know
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Girls, is it okay to expect/set a foot massage from your Son as a regular chore?
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