Why does my mom steal everyone’s spotlight?


Any big news she does not allow the person whose news it is to share do it first. It feels like she’s always in middle of me and my siblings. For example my brother is having a baby. My brother let me know then my mom told me but I was like I already know.

I speak to my sister in law she said she would message me about gender I was so excited my mom got in first before she could share her creative announcement. I was like aw was waiting for her to let me know. She was like awe ok sorry you know me. It wasn’t her news to share she didn’t see that. Even when finding out they was having a baby she messages I’m gonna be a nanna again.

It’s me me me with her it’s a new addition to the whole family not all about her. I called her out recently I find her super toxic and she is just like oh that’s how I am. When that’s not normal behaviour. She never wants to change and act right.

Me and my sister and brother have no relationship really. It’s down to her in between gossiping chatting each other causing rifts that don’t go. She likes being in the middle admitted to it. I don’t get why. If I spend time with my sister she acts jealous and bitter. She purposely isolates me as much as she can.

She told me that news purposely to ruin a connection with my sister in law. She constantly seeks attention. She says all the right words when I call her out but her actions don’t change and always suggest what I believe she shows narcissistic tendencies.

A uses I’m old I won’t change to cover up toxic behaviour. She calls me paranoid when I say you made sure we all are not close. She tries to humiliate me infront of people I’m the scapegoat you see.
I feel nothing but contempt from her and it makes me sick. So I stay away as much as I can as I can’t stand how she behaves. I even said to her I needed a good mom in this life. She really is not it.

Why does my mom steal everyone’s spotlight?
3 Opinion