Do you share your travel photos to your family or friends?

or you keep them to yourself and not share anything? and int he case you do exchange photos are just with the people you travel with period but not with other friends or even relatives or family, in order to apply the Vegas slogan “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas". even if you did nothing wrong or outrageous where you went, you simply do not share your photos to anyone else only with your traveling party

Or you do like to share it in order for your family or friends to see the nice and pretty places you went and you tell the good, the funny or bad experiences you had as part of sharing the stories.

I have several family members who do not like to share photos not even tell the trip experiences they went through, we just know they were on a trip but that is all. Not even my own sister share photos of her trip and her husband trip to my mom or me or brother. For them being on overseas trips are something intimate not to share with anyone else as noone else has to know you went on trips, as if it was a bad thing, maybe for jealousy or envy or bad criticism that "ohh they have money to afford trips while others can't afford not even a trip domestically and they like to show off or brag " a possible reason they keep quiet.

Do you share your travel photos to your family or friends?
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