Would you consider yourself an old soul?

People always called me an old soul. The thing is I just never fit in with people my age group. When I come acroos someone my age it's just that weird awkward silence. But the thing is with people who happen to be 10+ years older then me I always enjoy the conversation it last very long. I remember this one time I was in first grade cold winter the class were watching The parent Trap when Meredith Kiss the girls dad the rest of the kids went all laughing and said eww. My teacher was shocked surprised about my answer I said well that's their job its just acting if they don't play that scene they don't get to pay thier bills. I remembermy teacher just look at me in shocked. When I was younger I wasn't never intrested in going out partying , clubing or hitting the bars. I was more intrested at 21 building my future make as much money as possible. I would always cover somebody else shift. When I went to visit Texas I noticed a lot of people my age are in debt I'm way more ahead I'm 30 debt free. Also my fiance is a lot oler then me and the connection is strong honstly with guys my age I was me I just happend to never connect with them for some reason or they would called me boring.

Would you consider yourself an old soul?
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