What's up with Boy Moms™ and incestuous pedophilic tendencies?

I know this is extremely controversial to talk about but I wonder if other people have noticed this. There are a lot of moms who are obsessed with their little boys going from emotional incest to borderline pedophilic behavior. Even more controversial to say I'm so sorry but I see black women being especially openly like this online. I see these moms are often the same type of woman. She hates other women and would die on the spot if she had a girl, she is obsessed with being The hot mom, obsessed with the approval of men and especially her sons when he grows up, has her son be single his whole life because no girl can stand her/mesure up to her... Even though there is an element of pedophilia in this there's probably something else as the boy mom's attraction to her son continues after he is grown up... But this is all so strange... I'm the first to dunk really hard on men but I have to say I don't see this behavior in girl dads nearly half as often. Not all single boy mom is like that but there is definitely this type that exists. What do you guys think?
What's up with Boy Moms™ and incestuous pedophilic tendencies?
4 Opinion