Why are Anglo centric countries / families NOT family focused? Do they not understand that family is important or do they simply not care?

I'm French (a Mediterranean centric culture).
Like many other Mediterraneans we are very family focused. My grandmother lives with my uncle, my great-grandmother with a grandfather. My parents with my brother. It's not a money issue (grandfather was a wealthy business owner, my uncle & brother each make well over 100,000/year one as computer specialist & other as a ER doctor).

Many Mediterranean families are very family focused. If the parents are not living with the children then they are living close by so that the kids can routinely check on or help them. Again not a money issue - what when a friend owns a 1.5 million dollar security business.

Similarly other cultures - such as Arabic, Middle Eastern, E Asian & SE Asian - are family focused. Again not necessarily money issues. Two friends both make considerable incomes - one made 350,000 during COVID as a consultant & the other makes 250,000 a year. Both have their parents with them.

Even in their home countries if the parents are not living with the children like above the family is living close together so that the kids can check on and/or help their parents.

All of the above if children are in a different country than family/parents they'll often call on.


And then you get to Anglophones and they are running away from their blood relatives like they're diseased.

Children will move across the countryside and not even give their parents a call except on birthdays and Christmas.

I have seen SOOO many Anglo seniors struggling to make their way around town - even getting something as simple as groceries - with nobody helping them.

At the clinic I work at we've had Anglos drop off disabled relatives like a stray unwanted dog even if the person has suffered a severe stroke and can barely move -- their bastard children nowhere to be seen.

Why are Anglo centric countries / families NOT family focused? Do they not understand that family is important or do they simply not care?
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