Have you ever assumed someone disliked you and them when you finally talk to them they actually thought well of you?

I've definitely thought this before. ill assume someone doesn't like me for some reason and then when i finally chat with them it turns out they actually thought i was cool or nice or something. So the complete opposite. i've gotten better at not mind reading people like that but i still gotta work on that.

Have you ever assumed someone disliked you and them when you finally talk to them they actually thought well of you?

Seriously its the RBF's that get me lol.

Yes i have done that and it turns out they thought i was cool
I did assume that and turns out i was right, they didn't like me at all
Both A and B for me
I don't assume anything until i do talk to them.
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Have you ever assumed someone disliked you and them when you finally talk to them they actually thought well of you?
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