Why am I being ignored after opening up?


I honestly have zero close friends. I’ve been going through difficult times and decided to share with a handful of people I thought cared about me. I posted things on close friends Instagram stories over the past year and when that didn’t lead to feeling supported I posted about how hurt I was to open up to this trusted few and feel shame in their silence. I mean I shared openly about mental health struggles, being depressed, feeling alone, believing no one cares… and it’s like all these things went totally ignored. Not one message of support. Nothing. Why am I being ignored when I see others posting similar struggles and saying how glad they are to share because it made them feel less alone? Do these people who I trusted have no empathy or what are some reasons why people would just turn away from someone’s cries for help? I just want to know someone cares, and apparently that’s too much to ask?

Why am I being ignored after opening up?
4 Opinion