Can a woman also get tired of being sweet too and become outspoken?

I finally understand posts about men that changed their attitude. They claimed to have been shy and sweet at some point in their lives but people took advantage of that. Can that same thing happened to women too? We get tired of being naive, sweet and trusting and can changed into a strong, outspoken woman. She doesn't care anymore if she's liked or not.

Nowadays I'm more straight forward, no sugarcoating, no nothing. The once sweet, quiet introvert people knew me as had died. She's not coming back ever. Obviously if it's someone decent that doesn't deserve it or they're real naive, I'll make an exception for that person and reciprocate. I don't have the heart to take advantage of a naive person; perhaps that's my only remaining tiny sweetness within me, not having the heart to destroy someone's trust nor innocence.

Here is my rule basically:

If someone is sweet, I'll return the same treatment. However, if someone is arrogant, mean or a real disgusting cheapskate, I'll be a total b**** and 10 times more arrogant, a lot more cheapskate than they are, go out of my way of treating them like garbage. This applies to anyone, man or woman.

Just like men get tired of getting taken advantage of by people and hardened, can this happen to us women too and we become?

Can a woman also get tired of being sweet too and become outspoken?
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