Whats wrong with me?

At my new job (Im still new) at hospital Im administrative assistant for info and doctor/nurses call me to have an ambulance and then I will call the ambulance for conduction. The driver of ambulance sometimes gets mad of me for not informing the doctor the ambulance outside the building. I explained to them sometimes I was on second floor pedia interviewing watcher of patients for the information for me to endode them for later (im the one who encode it) and then sometimes Im on telephone answering calls or talking to watcher or patients from OB asking the mothers situation so sometimes I can't call them right away and then there's nurse who conducted ambu from ICU to OR I told the driver of ambulance to get it and then he got mad because I didn't inform the Or that they were outside of that building to that nurse I still apologize but deep inside I was annoyed..
by the way we inform each other on radio or facebook messenger sometimes I can't handle the telephohe call and radio speaking together but I always take the telephone first because it might be the doctor or nuse then I handle the patient familys in front of me second then after they leave I will chat to messenger ambulance. What I was thinking is that why can't ambulance driver and nurse and doctor just call straight directly instead of me transferring their ambu inductioj to each other so that they won't get mad of me? Im just annoyed😠
Whats wrong with me?
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