Responding to dumper always mean validation?

My ex broke up with me assuming I'd stick around as a friend, but I literally disappeared from her life. I've ignored multiple texts/drunk calls over the 3 months we've been broken up. She's initiated 3/4 of contact and I haven't done anything resembling desperate. I know everyone says responding to ex gives them validation, but I've been out doing my own thing and literally taking days to respond in the instances when I do, always keeping it short, civil and vague. Lately she's initiated then ignored my responses. see this is where I don't see how she's getting validation, I'm treating her the way I treat girls I friend zone, so I just don't see it. None of my responses give any hint or semblance of being interested. I can't say I'm not curious about her but I have self control and a few other options..but I get more a vibe that she's trying to get back at me for being aloof.
Responding to dumper always mean validation?
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