myTakes: Family & Friends

My take on why I think I am lonely and maybe a lot of you are too

If you want you can google "loneliness pandemic" and a bunch of articles will pop up. If you google "statistics of loneliness" a bunch of more articles will pop up. I was listening to a podcast called "all my friends are...

I visited my family again

So, after I last visited my family ( How telling my parents about my 6mo boyfriend went (they hate him for religious reasons) ), some time had passed and I figured that I had to visit them again for my family's sake....
Home Chats

Celebrating the life of one who have passed.

Today is my fathers birthday. It's been a few years since he passed away and I finally this year feel like celebrating the life he had rather than mourning the loss of it. Though it does feel wrong to be celebrating a...

A Snapshot of the Day in the Life of Being a Parent

A few years ago my youngest had to get an enema at childrens hospital. He thought the tube up his butt was hilarious. The diaper was an indignity he was very upset about. He tried to rip it off, despite the liquid...

Our Holiday in Turkey with his Family

So, we finally did it: we went on holiday to Turkey with my boyfriend's family! Since this trip taught me so much about his family and myself , I wanted to share some details with you. Before this trip, we hadn't seen...

A thank you to my boyfriend's family

I think I've talked enough about how negatively my family views the fact that I have a boyfriend, so instead of ranting more about that, I want to focus on more positive things, including the fact that my boyfriend's...

Why it hurts to lie to my parents all the time

As I've outlined more than once now, I'm in a delicate situation where I can't tell my parents about the fact that my boyfriend lives with me and we'll soon move in officially (see this post for more: How telling my...

What nobody understands about my current lifestyle

Dislclaimer: When I say nobody, I mean nobody who was involved in my former life, when I lived with my parents. I exclude my friends from that. I got way more chill I used to be obsessed with looking beautiful/perfect and...

Taking a Chance: How Monopoly taught me to be a better parent.

I am kind of a nerd at heart and I am pretty proud of it too. I collect board games and video games for fun. I have game consoles going back to the Atari and Colecovision all the way up through the last gen systems, but...
Ez-Bri-Z s

How I understand the clothing Jesus talks about

Jesus said if you seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness, that God would clothe you more than the flowers or lilies of the field. So what does this clothing mean? My aunt is obese but full of kindness and compassion and...

My room mate is trying to get rid of me

After returning from my parents after what happened (read this: How telling my parents about my 6mo boyfriend went (they hate him for religious reasons) ), I met my boyfriend's brother (read this: Don't yell at your...

I can't say "I love you" (how childhood can mess you up)

I wasn't raised in a home where you could just share your feelings. I wasn't born into a family where being affectionate towards each other was a natural thing. We didn't hug ever, we didn't even express that we cared...

Why I feel like my age is holding me back from wishing I can have kid like memories again

People say: "Age is only a number" "You're as old as you feel and care for yourself" which i highly believe because caring for your body and appearance takes a toll and plays a factor in how old you can look despite what...

Ending a toxic friendship! Damn that felt good.

I just ended the worst friendship I've had yet! It feels so good! He tried to mold me into the kind of woman he wanted, but I'm to strong minded and independent for that shit. I had to walk on egg shells and gave him...

Adaptation Strategy in a New City. How to Make Friends

Whether you’ve moved to a new city on your own or got dragged along by your parents, it can be tough to adapt to the new circumstances. You’re mostly cut off from your old group of friends and you need to find some new...

Losing my heart and soul💔

How do you put into words the pain I feel right now from a wound that is so fresh and so deep. How can anyone heal from this kind of hurt? My heart my soul is gone. Never to smile with me again. Never can I hold her...

Stop driving yourself crazy if you're not loved back genuinely !

It often looks like they're "just there" for the sake of it. They're half ass there or simply invisible most of the times! It can be friendship, relationship, a crush leading you on or a major issue with family. Your...

Why I don't wanna have Thanksgiving this year

I like food, it isn't about that. 1. We are hosting it this year, which means : 2. My drama queen aunt is bringing her violent chihuahua. Great. Pierre literally already bit my grandma and drew blood. 3. I have to peel...

GAGers, send your friend (s) a text!

I am a first-year college student right now, and quarantine is beating me up. I have a small friend group of about 4 people. I am feeling really lonely right now and I am always the one to reach to my friends. I did an...

It is totally normal to be childless by choice!

People often label childless people as 'selfish, immature and irresponsible'. Just like having kids is a choice, forcing others is more selfish especially when the couple is not ready to have a kid. 1. Your expenses, your...