Inspiration for Everyone Who Likes Piercings


I know a lot of people on here do not like piercings, but if you happen to be part of the small percentage on here that does like them then here are some that I find really cool.

1. Helix

The one in the picture is a triple helix

Inspiration for Everyone Who Likes Piercings

2. Nape

Inspiration for Everyone Who Likes Piercings

3. Smiley

You're probably thinking "what a great way to ruin a beautiful smile :/" I somewhat agree because it seems really distracting but at the same time I think it looks cool. Not something I would ever get myself though.

Inspiration for Everyone Who Likes Piercings

4. Eyebrow piercings look great on guys

Inspiration for Everyone Who Likes Piercings

5. Hip Dermal

Inspiration for Everyone Who Likes Piercings

6. Double Navel

Inspiration for Everyone Who Likes Piercings

7. Collarbone dermal

I used to want this but now I dont lol

Inspiration for Everyone Who Likes Piercings

8. Trident

Inspiration for Everyone Who Likes Piercings

9. SMALL Septums

I capitalized small because the big thick ones or the jeweled ones are so ugly and make you look like a bull. I like thin ones that don't hang too low like this:

Inspiration for Everyone Who Likes Piercings

Piercings that I have

1. Industrial

Inspiration for Everyone Who Likes Piercings

2. Horizontal tongue

Inspiration for Everyone Who Likes Piercings

3. Tongue web

Inspiration for Everyone Who Likes Piercings

4. Tragus

Inspiration for Everyone Who Likes Piercings

5. Nose

Inspiration for Everyone Who Likes Piercings

That's all folks

Inspiration for Everyone Who Likes Piercings
Inspiration for Everyone Who Likes Piercings
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