Everyday Make-up VS Office Make-up


Make- up is clearly unique. Although many people tend to not like the over use of make-up, the different looks that you can make to suit certain occasions are extraordinary and some even require quite a fair bit of skill. However, the need to use a lot of coverage of make-up all the time is not needed but if it makes you feel confident, then go for it!

Everyday Make-up VS Office Make-up


This style of make up is very popular and very simple and can be used nearly everywhere you go. The need of professional skill is really not needed. The key to natural make up is to make it look as natural as possible, no dark eyeliner colours and dramatic lip colours should be used.

Everyday Make-up VS Office Make-up

With regards to this photo, her face almost looks fully natural. The use of foundation and concealer are obviously not over used due to being able to still see some of her spots/blemishes. Her eyes contain no dark colours and just light application of mascara. The best thing to use with natural make up is to just use lip balm and if you want slight colour, just use the ones that have a slight tint to them.

Professional (Job Wise)

Of course this totally depends on the job you're doing, but with regards to this style, I'm going towards that office sort of make up look. Keep in mind your working and not on a speed dating show, so also keeping it simple would be wise. You don't want to make it look like your make-up is much more important than your job.

Everyday Make-up VS Office Make-up

This style goes along with the natural look but just in a slightly darker version. The eyebrows are done, but not dramatically, just a simple line that doesn't stand out too much. The eye make-up has darker shades, but doesn't make the woman look like a panda. The best is to go with dark to light brown eyeliner and eyeshadow if you want. With regards to lip colour, you don't want it to be too eye catching so personally I feel that a coral or peach colour is suitable for lipstick.


Of course this is just my personal feeling towards these two styles, your idea of make up style and mine for these two occasions may be different, but that's what makes make-up unique. These two styles however are quite similar with how I described them just one is lighter while the other is a slightly darker example of make- up.

Enjoy GaGers :)

Everyday Make-up VS Office Make-up
6 Opinion