Why I only date attractive men

Why I only date attractive men

In response to a previous myTake regarding the same topic.

Now, I'm an attractive woman. Many people have said so all my life and I have received a lot of attention and even ad campaign roles.

I've dated some men below my standards and frankly they were not that great. They had terrible personalities, shallow and judgmental and bitter in life.

1) Attractive men know their worth. They're confident, smart and have great personalities. In my experience, there are plenty of good looking men who are also good people.

2) I love being a power couple. When I was dating my model ex, we were called the power couple by many.

3) Our future children would hit a genetic lottery. We will have beautiful looking children. Because frankly, looks do matter in this society. It's naive to think looks don't matter.

4) Attractive men do seem to have it all. My ex was a male model, successful, disciplined and also a very good person. We broke up for other reasons.

5) Attractive people lead happier lives. Looks aren't everything but they certainly help.

All in all, there are plenty of good looking men who are also good people. I see no reason why I should settle for any less. Most people agree that attraction matters in a relationship.

Why I only date attractive men
Why I only date attractive men
35 Opinion