Benefits of Being Physically Unattractive


You take a hard look at yourself in the mirror, and what do you see? You see an ugly you.

You hate your own face. You hate your body. But you know what? This is actually a very good thing!

Fig.1 the ugly man.
Fig.1 the ugly man.

People are NOT attracted to you.

If you are unattractive, then people are not attracted to you. Human beings can be very distracting at times, so why bother talking with distracting people when you can just concentrate on what you like best? This will allow you to pursue your own hobbies and interests, your own desires and wants, your own hopes and dreams.

You support the cosmetic and beauty industry.

We need more people who believe that they are ugly or unattractive. You know why? Because ugly people support our cosmetic and beauty industries! They are our consumers, and they support our economy. Different people have different needs and wants. Some people have sensitive skin. Some people have dry skin. Some people have too many freckles. Whatever the case may be, they buy our products, comment on products, and improve the quality of beauty products.

Unattractive men will be forced to work harder to compete with attractive men.

Women all want a handsome man. Sure, they may deny it and say that they look at a man's personality or compatibility, but let's be real. You just can't ignore physical appearance. This is actually great news to unattractive men! Unattractive men will be forced to work harder to compete with attractive men for mates. And once unattractive men get a mate, they will work extra harder to keep the mate, making them extra loyal to their partners. Sometimes, it really pays to be unattractive.

Unattractive women will be forced to work harder to compete with attractive women.

Men all want a beautiful woman. Sure, they may deny it and say that they look at a woman's personality or compatibility, but let's be real. You just can't ignore physical appearance. This is actually great news to unattractive women! Unattractive women will be forced to work harder to compete with attractive women for mates. And once unattractive women get a mate, they will work extra harder to keep the mate, making them extra loyal to their partners. Sometimes, it really pays to be unattractive.

Your unattractive phenotype tells a lot about your genes.

Attractive people may have the best, good-looking genes. People all want the genes of attractive people, less so for unattractive people. What does this say about you? The fact that you are unattractive tells us that you have no lethal genes... or at least your lethal genes are so late on-set that they don't hinder your evolutionary fitness! Being unattractive is one step better than having lethal genes, right? At the very least, you don't die in the womb!Fig.1 the ugly man.

Benefits of Being Physically Unattractive
54 Opinion