What color are your eyes?

I usually say mine are green despite being a mix of blue and a warm yellow/green shade. Plus I have a freckle on my right eye! If you look closely you’ll see it. I like to say it’s my mom trying to pop through in my genetics (my dad has green eyes, my mother has brown). So, what color are your eyes? (Also, please don’t start being like ‘mY eYeS aRe UglY anD bRoWn’ in the comments!! Brown eyes are beautiful y’all gotta embrace and love them!)
What color are your eyes?
Black (super dark brown)
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This was a photo for a photo shoot! Hence why it’s so... I don't know, weird? Like very blank faced but it was supposed to be able natural beauty and such. Anyways, carry on.
What color are your eyes?
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