Which dress should I wear to my brothers summer wedding?

Please vote and comment seriously. I know coronavirus might cancel but then they’ll reschedule for next year. I just want to find my dress and get it out of the way.

I know some of them are different colors. I liked the other colors too but didn’t want to post multiple pictures of the same dress and wanted you guys to see the backs of them as well. So if you pick the one that has multiple colors, vote for the option with the right color! Thank you in advance ❤️
Dress 1
Dress 2 Black
Dress 2 Green
Dress 3 Black (I don’t like the gray so I’m not making it an option)
Dress 4 Lavender
Dress 4 Deep Red
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
I know the dresses seem short but I’m much shorter than the models (tried the dresses on, and they were longer than in the pictures). I recently dropped from a size 8 to a 2 so I kinda want to show off my new body a bit that I worked hard for. So that’s why some of the dresses seem a bit... revealing (plus I love intricate backs). I already asked the bride for approval on all the dresses and she said that they are perfectly fine and to pick one!
+1 y
A common comment is that they’re too revealing. I just LOVE a dress with a pretty/intricate back. If you guys have any suggestions of dresses with pretty backs that aren’t too revealing I’d love to see them!
Which dress should I wear to my brothers summer wedding?
85 Opinion