Why is plastic surgery looked down upon?

Why is plastic surgery looked down upon?

It's a stigma I've never fully understood. It's a legal service and I think that anyone who can afford it is free to do as they wish.

Recently we met with a school acquaintance who made a comment about my teeth - that they were pearly whites but they weren't "mine", as in I got them fixed and implanted since I had some nasty gnashers back in school (my fault I admit). I then replied that she too had something nice but not hers, since she used to be flat as a board up until a couple of years ago but now boasts model-tier breasts. She laughed and said that people better take notice since she paid a lot for them, but my wife pynched me, and later said I was being rude and that you don't say those things out directly - I disagree because she started it and in my opinion, don't dish it out if you can't take it, and also because there's nothing bad in a retouch or two if you don't feel comfortable about your body - accepting oneself is important, but everyone should be free to decide how they want to look.

Why is plastic surgery looked down upon?
14 Opinion