What’s up with girls now days dressing everyday in tight clothes or barely even clothes on?


I just feel like a lot of them don’t know how to dress it’s there life. But it’s like people are wearing less clothes now days. Is it bc clothes are expensive or what I feel like it’s very vain to be revealing and it makes other people lust not just guys but women have problems to. I just feel sad for my generation they don’t know how to dress and they don’t carry themselves with respect and dignity. I think it has to do with celebrities influence and trends of culture. There is a time and place to be naked and to be in a swimsuit in public. But I don't know. I like fashion and dressing up. When I do and when it’s hot people say I’m being conservative. I’m not going to walk around with my shorts up my butt and a sports bra. That’s ghetto.

What’s up with girls now days dressing everyday in tight clothes or barely even clothes on?
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