Is it offensive to buy "Asian" themed intimate wear?

This is a genuine question. I'm afro-descendent and appreciate Asian culture (mainly food, fashion and spirituality). I've found intimate clothing that resembles traditional Chinese and Japanese wear.
It's been years but, I've never bought one because as a POC I thought this would be offensive to the cultures involved since, it's traditional inspired clothes. It's similar to if someone took the traditional clothing of my country and made it into a sexy one.

Honestly I don't know how I'd feel about it since this was never done before but maybe I'd find this weirdly funny (once there is no racial play or stereotyping involved, lol).

I asked a friend and she said she didn't find this offensive but she too is afro-descendent so... I feel like we have no opinion when it comes to that. What do you guys think?
Is it offensive to buy Asian themed intimate wear?
Is it offensive to buy Asian themed intimate wear?
It depends
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Is it offensive to buy "Asian" themed intimate wear?
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