Why is my crush so hard to read?

so I've made things difficult with us getting together so i can see her not being totaly gaga over me. but since school has started i have not seen here really. few times a week at best for 2 min. so today i see her in cafateria she was waiting by vending machine. i was with a new friend i made and was beinng out going and having a convo. i cought her about 20 feet from me and we kept looking at each other. id look over trying not to get cought and she was too. she had a intrsted look on her face and i felt like she wantd to talk.
then she walked past my table while i was still talking and started talkin to someone. this time positioning herself again so she was facing me and the same thing happened. she was all smiley and jokey w him and looked like she was trying to see if i could see, then the kid i was with was walkin around. i went to vending machine a few times, when i was back seated she came to me and said hi. i said hi and tried starting a convo and she seemed like she was to bussy. i talked alittle then somone came over and she left.
i dont get why she seems intrested yet unintrested at same time. last schol year she was def into me and she was the samw way sometimes, do u think she was just being shy, or realy was bussy?
Why is my crush so hard to read?
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