She's ignoring me?

She's ignoring me!! What do I do!? I'm gonna loose it OK first off I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty much obsessed with this girl. She's just my friend right now but that doesn't matter, we

have had some really deep conversations and she frequently puts her head on my shoulder when she sits by me. And now suddenly she's ignoring me. It all started about two weeks ago when she told me she was coming over to chill at around 10:30, time goes by and I send some texts that were ignored, so then its 12:30 and still no sign of her so I send some more texts that were ignored and then its 3:30 and I said screw this, I'm going to bed. The next week and a half I had no contact with her what so ever until two days ago when I called her out on ignoring me, initially was gonna wait for her to call me but now I'm starting to think she doesn't want to see me anymore, so anyway I sent her a text that said "so what's up are you too cool for me now" and she sends two texts, the first one said "no!" and then I said "well that's what it feels like" then she says "think whatever you want but that's bullshit" and I really really believe that she still has feelings for me still, whether they're friendly or intimate I don't know.

But I'm starting to hear rumors about her, one being that she had sex with some dealer so he would give her an iPhone about a month ago! And that has been absolutely breaking my heart ever since I heard about it. I know that she used to have a bad reputation and was known as a slut and a liar at her school but you know how high school rumors go and she told me that she doesn't do stuff like that anymore and I believe her but now this ignoring business is happening. I know that's a lot of info but I would like any input on this as long as its not "just wait for her" so yeah please I'm desperate.
She's ignoring me?
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