Am I on the hook?

Have to assume most of you reading this watch How I Met Your Mother. Well, this episode hit close to home for me. Though didn’t define as ‘on the hook,’ I have been wondering if I am being used. Met a girl almost a year ago, had a very strong attraction to her. It seemed right off the bat that she felt something too. She has a serious boyfriend of several years. About 6 months ago he went away to grad school a plane ride away. Without saying any more, if I read someone else’s post, I would think I am on the hook, but it differs a bit. All the flirting I get from her is entirely non-verbal, eye contact, touching. Whenever we hang out she is always trying to prolong the night (or day). I never get stuck hanging out at her place, or mine, in a buddy buddy situation. She never tells me things like we can’t be together ‘right now’ or talk about us as any kind of couple. All of our conversations are really just getting to know each other stuff (she actually she has a habit of telling me things she shouldn’t and says after she doesn’t know why that came out.. I looked at that as another sign of attraction). Never talks about the boyfriend, or complains about really anything (point being, I am not the shoulder to cry on) and nothing really changed in her behavior from the time the boyfriend was around to when he left (though she did drunk dial me to hang out the night after he left for school, though we were talking earlier in the week about hanging out late night that night after we each had separate things to go to, so partially coincidence). She did get a bit more flirty with me when about 5 months ago, I pretty much told her how I feel. It was awkward for a couple weeks but since, we have actually gotten closer.

My friends are somewhat split between yes and no, but based on all of that, am I on the hook (even part of me thinks yes, but also no)? Or can she just be waiting for me to make a move? Or is she a confused girl that doesn’t know exactly what she wants? Could she be with her boyfriend out of habit and convenience? What is your take and what do I do based on that answer (first 2 have an obvious answer, it’s the others I don’t know how to proceed on).

Am I on the hook?
1 Opinion