Can't tell if he likes me or hates me?

I find my co worker VERY attractive, but he acts really weird around me. His eyes will land on me and dart quickly away when we make eye contact - usually guys hold eye contact if they're into me. He has done a few little things over the weeks, like mention my "boyfriend" like testing if I'd say I'm single, or grabbing my hand to see my tattoo. Every once and a while he will come up to me when I'm alone, very awkwardly, then ask me a question or how I've been - we don't usually talk much.

His eye contact really throws me off- usually guys can't stop staring at a girl he's into, but he seems to act like I'm invisible sometimes. Other times, He will look over for longer than two seconds but it's rare.

I don't understand? I'm a pretty girl so It's not like I'm a monster showing interest or something. What's his deal?
Can't tell if he likes me or hates me?
4 Opinion