What does it mean when she says "we'll see about that"?

we met online dating and my bio was "no one can beat me at FIFA :P". when we matched she said "I can beat you at FIFA :p"
then we talked about other random stuff off that topic. she took a long time to reply tho (like hours at times) so I brought up the FIFA joke again and said "its gonna be fun beating you at FIFA :P" I kinda sent that late (around 1am) and then next morning she replied "lol We'll see about that" . now I don't know what to reply.

what that a subtle way of stopping the convo because she lost interest or is she still interested and I make a move like ask her out?

please give opinions and answers too on what I should do!
Lost interest, move on
She still has interest, ask her out
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What does it mean when she says "we'll see about that"?
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