Talked to my ex, did he say he’ll give me one more chance?

I talked a bit with my ex today I bit more than a month after he broke up with me. He admitted that whatever issues we had, it wasn’t just my fault, but his as well. I told him I’m trying to change (as I made a lot of mistakes) and that I want to and that I’m reading books, etc. He was a bit sceptical while talking to me, but the conversation ended with “we’ll see”. I asked what does he mean and he replied - we’ll see if you’ll change”. I’m wondering if that means he’ll give me a chance and I don't know what am I supposed to do next. How do I show him I’ve changed if he still doesn’t want to talk as much to me as we used to?
Talked to my ex, did he say he’ll give me one more chance?
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