Does my enemy have a crush on me?

So there’s this boy that I’ve known for a couple of years. Since we were 12 to be exact. We’ve always had this relationship we’re we would argue and fight all the time about stupid things and he would make fun of me and I would make fun of him. There were times that he would show a sign that he liked me, but I never thought it could be true.

The thing here here is I’ve had a crush on him for about a year now. (We’re 16). When I first met him I will admit I thought he was cute, but I never fall for guys I don’t really truly know so since I didn’t really know him and his personality, I never developed feelings. But as years went past I realized that I had indeed caught those stupid butterflies in the pit of my stomach, and those stupid butterflies only flew when he was around.

Over the years I had a suspicion he’s liked me, but I have horrible anxiety and low self worth so I always dismissed those suspicions as I have mentioned previously. Now though. He’s been around a lot more than he used too. I’ve seen him almost every month for about a year and not only have we hung out together but we actually HAD a conversation. Something we never really have done or have gotten to do since we were always surrounded by other people. We play fight aka I hit him and he takes the beating but never stops doing what caused him to earn a slap from me. I shared with him a personal fact about me and for the first time he didn’t make fun of me.

Now the question is; is he falling for me like I’m falling for him? Or am I just thinking with my heart?
Does my enemy have a crush on me?
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