Girls: Do you accept dates from guys you aren't into?

I asked this girl in my class

"Would you want to go out for dinner sometime?"

A few days ago, she said yes, and we made plans for later this week.

So maybe I am thinking into this too much, but asking a girl out like that obviously means I am interested, and I have seen nothing from her to show that she in interested in me after I asked her. In class she barely notices me anymore(it's not that she seems to be distancing herself from me, but she kind of treats me like I know her the least out of everyone, while people I introduced her to, she seems more friendly with).

She has complained about this one dude she has known for a while being a creep(although she has known him for over a year, and known me for less than a month), but seems to prefer his company over mine, etc, etc...

I don't feel like she is trying to play hard to get or anything, just because she still acts friendly, but it's just, I showed that I am interested in her, and she accepts a date, then turns around and acts distant.

So basically, did she just accept to not be mean? Is she trying to play some game? Or am I just thinking about this too much because I like her?
Girls: Do you accept dates from guys you aren't into?
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