When a guy avoids you like the plague?! D:

So, my (sort of ish) best guy friend (who I sort of ish like). We talk all the time (Facebook *but short answers like guys do...D:*) in the one class we have together. From that one class, he usually walks me to the intersection where we go different ways everyday. And if I leave without him, he RUNS to catch up with me and act like it's all casual(: Then, on the days I don't see him in class, he passes by where I eat lunch with my friends to talk to me for a few minutes before he's late. Well, on Thursday, we had a concert and talked (and flirted I guess) and he stared deeply into my eyes (twice, for like 10 seconds) without saying anything or smiling or NOTHING and (it was weird) then got flustered and left. Well, now, after that (4 days later) he hasn't talked to me, meet up with me, or even LOOK at me.

He's been avoiding me, like the title says, like the PLAGUE.

What do you think is up? I mean, I thought he liked me back (he'd do favors for me when I asked *but only when I say "For me?(:"), talk, hug me, meet up, glance at me all the time in class, etc etc.

alkjfdaklslfdkalksdjfwenraisojfasfnmwe… Why do guys do that? What do you think is up? How should I proceed in this situation (I see him tomorrow in class)?

He's a year younger than me (9th grade) I'm in 10th. We were friends in middle school as well.

(Sorry if this doesn't make much sense, he makes my brain mush... D:)

When a guy avoids you like the plague?! D:
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