Feelings for former teacher? What do you think about her actions?

We met two years ago. On the first day she stood next to me talking to my classmates but she checked me out. Then she backed off and started observing me. We got along great her classes were fun. She couldn't keep her eyes off me she stared at me when I am not looking I caught her many times. She tried to be funny and told me many times how much she thinks I am funny. However, we kept it professional after graduating she gave me her phone number and asked me to call her by her name. We got closer since I had part time job near her. She was very protective over me and gave me many advices to be better and she believed she in me. I was in and out of her life she tried to ask me to meet alone but I panicked. She became very sensitive with me and more intimate she hugged me all the time and her hugs became longer and tighter and made me shy. She knows im shy so when I look at her eyes rarely she would look deeply into mine and smile. She started to avoid physical contact with me around others, but hugged me more when alone. I left the job and she asked me to keep in touch, I did not she knows I have few life situations to take care of. The thing is I realized that I missed her so bad and that I have feelings for her. I don't know what her actions meant? What do you think? What should I do?

Ps she has boyfriend and a son my age,,,
Feelings for former teacher? What do you think about her actions?
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